Monday 18 May 2015

Kalpana Chawla








                        Kalpana Chawla
           Who does not Want to reach out to the stars?
A small girl form Karnal, Punjab, always wanted to be a voyager of the Milky Way. She used to dreamer that some day she would ride a rocket to the stars. Her motto was that you got to have a dream if want to have your dream come true. She used to say, “Have a dream and follow it to the end,’’
          One dey her dream came true. Was invited by NASA, the US space organisation. They asked her to join a team going out space.
         Kalpana Chawla did not wait to think. She accepted the invitation at once.
         Kalpana was invited not because she was pretty, not because she was a woman,not beceuse she was of indian origin. She was invited because she had  ‘the right stuff’ and ‘a strong will’ to go out in the bloe yonder. She was a competnt scientist who could carry out useful experiments and acquire useful knowledge of space. It was odvious that         
          kalpana was cast in the mould of trailblazers like tenzing and Hillary.
          She was asked to prepare for her first trip into space. To cross the ‘Final Frontier’. She had worked hard from the day she was a school girl, all the time waiting for this day.
          Mr. Banarasi Dass Chawla, Kalpana’s fathe, had to   flee pankistan during partition. He and his family settled in punjab and set up atyre business. That is where kalpana was born and ewnt to school. “kalpana was born in our family but she had a mind of her own.” says her mother, She always talked of  flying, even made mode model aeroplanes, for recreation.

          Kalpana’s  father encouraged her to join the krnal Flying  clud,where Kalpana learned flying and extended her love for aviation. At school her extra curricular activies included projects on the solar system and spaca exploration. After passing her H.S.C. examinatino with flying colours, She was advised to opt for medicine. But she chose engineering, instead. At the Punjab  Engineering because aeronautical engineeing  was more of a men’s domain. She declined the advice and became the college’s firs aeronautical engineer.

          That paved her way to a scholarship at an American university, where Kalpana studied for a doctorate in aerospace engineering.

          This is where her ambition to be an astronaut was born. She applied herself diligently towards that goal. After earning her Ph.D kalpana joined NASA. There she mastered various aspects of space travel. As result she was invited to be a member of a group that was undergoing training for actual space travel. She underwent rigorous training on a simulator. She became amission specialist on the crew who went into space towards the end of 1998.that was Kalpana,s firt foray into space.

          Besides being an ace astronaut, Kalpana was also a good human being.  She remembered people’s birthdays and aent cards and flowers. She enjoyed good food; she would tuck in samosa with imli chutney at parties given by Indian friends. She enjoyed good things in life. She was a good things in life. She was a good bharatnatyam dancer, listened to Indian and western music. In summer, while growing up in India, she often slept in the open courtyard under the stars. She gazwd dreamily at the milky way and once in a while saw a shooting stars.

          Truly, that is what kalpana chawla was – a shooting star. At the height of her brilliant career, she met a fiery death, while returning from her second space foray in January 2003, Kalpana along with her six-space-mates on the Columbia space shuttle was destroyed by a cruel fate.

         Kalpana’s  journey has ended but along the way she had fun and thrills. Her journey itself was her .destination. she lived as if she knew the whole universe was watching her. Praises for her achievements were tinged with sadness. The    
          whole world mourned her death. But in karnal and delhi, the sadness  was the deepest and the mourning the most poignant.

          Kalpana will remain a source of inspiration for young aviators.


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