Saturday 23 May 2015

Noise - The music of sound

                                  Noise - The music of sound

                                                                         J. Pope

I like noise,

The whoop of a boy, the thud of ahoof,

The rattle of rain on a galvanized roof,

The hubbub of traffic, the roar of a train.

The throb of machinery numbing the brain,

The switching of wires in an overhead tram,

The rush of the wind, a door on the slam,

The boom of the thunder, the crash of the waves,

The din of a river that races and raves,

The crack of rifle, the clank of a pail,

The strident tatoo of a swift slapping sail.

From any old sound that the silence destroys

Arises a gamut of soul-stirring destroys.

I like noise.

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