Wednesday 14 January 2015




     QB-XII-(ENG)(013) 1

            English (013)

 GRAMMAR • Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets against each.

 (1) A lady ______ money from the bank, reached the hospital. (withdraw) (2) ______ the doctor not ______ in time, the patient would have died. (come) (3) This assignment work ______  by the time you return from Surat. (will+Submit) (4) Vraj ______ had he confessed his fault. (can + forgive) (5) Some boys and girls ______ irregular for the last fifteen days. (be) (6) You are advised ______ your car ______ in authorised workshops only. (have, service) (7) The match ______ before we reached the stadium. (start) (8) I came to know very late that my name ______ for the national scholarship. (send) (9) They haven't ______ their tickets ______ yet. (have, book) (10) Gandhiji ______ bath with cold water in winter when he was in the jail. (use, take) (11) ______ all the voters ______ I would have been declared a winner. (vote) (12) No sooner ______ a picture ______  than a dealer made a sensational bid. (display) (13) Nobody had seen a culprit ______ to the court. (take) (14) Think positively so that good impression ______ in an interview. (create) (15) He was too smart ______ (cheat) (16) What cannot be cured ______  (must + endure) (17) Perform as you ______  (have, instruct) (18) She came to know that her name ______ for the national scholarship. (send) (19) The decision ______ likely ______ this evening. (be+take) (20) Hardly ______ Govinda ______ mending the idol when his son interrupted him. (complete) (21) ______ is believing (see) (22) How long ______ your father ______ in this company ? (serve) (23) He ______  me ______  beside him before he asked for money. (make, sit) (24) By the time you leave this spot, so many persons ______ to see you. (will+come) (25) You ______ nicely. Why did you not do so ? (can+behave) (26) I saw the road ______  (resurface) (27) While the experiment ______ in the lab, one of the students fainted. (make) (28) I requested him to conclude yet he kept on ______ to justify himself. (shout) (29) Had you taken a little interest in the debate you ______ later on. (will + enjoy) (30) Why do you ______ your father ______  so many things this time also ? (get, purchase)

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(31) The speech ______ over, there came resounding applause. (be) (32) It is reading that ______ us ______.  (make, think) (33) You ______ me before you invested money with this bank. (should+ask) (34) By the next week, this illegal construction ______  (will+demolish) (35) Keep silence. An experiment ______  (explain) (36) By tomorrow, these mangoes ______ (will+ripen) (37) ______ a suspect ______ sternly, he would have admitted his crime. (ask) (38) You ______ the compound ______  tomorrow for your mischief. (make + clean) (39) ______ his role, he left the stage. (have + perform) (40) Your office ______ already ______ You may shift the furniture. (renovate0 (41) Had you answered politely, your teacher ______ not ______ his temper. (will + lose) (42) You are requested not ______ your work ______ here. (have + do) (43) We ______ to remove poverty for years without making efforts in that direction. (have + consider) (44) How long ______ you ______ here ? (be) (45) Are you used to ______ the flowers ? (arrange) (46) All these papers ______ before they were sent to board (verify) (47) Why did your teacher not make you ______ ? (play) (48) His name ______ , he stood up to receive the prize. (have, declare) (49) After he ______ his licence with him, he locked the door. (keep) (50) The class was silent because presence ______ (take) (51) Why did you not ______ any sweets ______  before the guests arrived. (have, prepare) • Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with proper words from those given in the brackets. (1) Arpan walked on a rope ______ he were a good acrobat. (as, like, as if) (2) Efficient ______ he was, he was not appointed. (though, however, as) (3) ______ was I asked than I replied. (As soon as, no sooner, hardly) (4) ______ he was confused, he was mute. (since, however, though) (5) ______ his failing health, he was enthusiastic and zestful. (because of, despite, in order to) (6) ______ the gust of wind could break the idol had not entered his mind. (what, that, as) (7) ______ you think is not in your favour. (that, what, which) (8) Don't envy ______ you may be happy. (so, so that, therefore) (9) He couldn't think clearly as he was in ______ confusion. (little, a few, a little) (10) He wants ______  a shirt as is cheap and having the quality. (same, such, that) (11) He wants nothing ______ your grace (as, but, as)
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(12) I believe in ______ you believe. (that, what, as) (13) He completed his work earlier ______ he could leave the site earlier. (in order to, in order that, inspite of) (14) Deaf ______ he was, he attended the musical concert. (though, however, as) (15) I want ______ boys to complete this work. It can't be done single handed. (few, a few, a little) (16) ______ you go, you will find people with certain problems. (where, wherever, whenever) (17) See me ______ you are free. (where, when, how) (18) ______ of the residents in this colony has a car. They have bicycles or scooters. (some, none, all) (19) He was in ______ confusion, he could not think clearly. (few, little, a little) (20) He set motionless ______ he were innocent. (like, as, as if) (21) He also acted ______ everybody did. (like, as, as if) (22) Behave here ______ the rules and regulations. (in accordance with, because of, in order that) (23) He was in ______ a plight ______ he couldn't decide what to do. (so-that, such-that, same- as) (24) ______ darker the night is, the denser it is. (A, An, The) (25) He has joined ______ N.C.C. (the, an, a) (26) ______ you do, you won't have any gain. (what, whatever, however) (27) He was ______ indecisive that he had to stop on every turning point. (such, so, as) (28) This boy seems ______ small to be a soldier. (enough, too, though) (29) Take deep breaths ______ you can overcome fear (in order to, in order that, owing to) (30) His late arrival in the function was ______ the great confusion of traffic. (on account of, due to, because of) (31) ______ had he stood up to speak when every body started clapping. (No sooner, As soon as, Scarcely) (32) ______ he couldn't know the nature of clapping, he kept on speaking. (Though, since, Because) (33) ______ have you sent the cheque to ? (Who, Whom, To Whom) (34) He prefers Bio-chemistry ______ pharmacy. (than, to, and) (35) ______ of them had self respect. They all behaved insensibly. (some, None, Each) (36) He is firm in his decision. He will not give ______ his employer. (in, up, to) (37) He translated the passage ______ making them know its meaning. (so, with a view to, in order to) (38) You can't move ______ you will.  This is a prohibited area. (When, Where, Wherever) (39) He was ______ confident that he declared himself a winner. (too, enough, so) (40) The possibility ______ wind was responsible for a tear was remote. (as, that, when)

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(41) He is dealing with everybody ______ honestly ______ sincerely. Everybody adores him. (neither... nor, not only... but also, either .... or) (42) They both were confused ______ of them could express any view. (either, neither, none) (43) ______ under priviledged must be supported. (A, An, The) (44) Ask ______ of the boys if he is interested in the visit. (each, all, some) (45) Adamant ______ he was in the beginning, he had to submit when he was persuaded. (however, as, though) (46) He was ______ affluent not to live luxuriously. (so, too, enough)
(48) ______ may persuade me, I'll not favour him. (Who, Whomever, Whoever) (49) Govinda glanced ______ the window to notice an intruder. (to, at, across) (50) He would tolerate ______ begging. (inspite of, instead of, in addition to) • Replace the underlined parts with the most appropriate group of words given in the brackets. (1) If you want to succeed, don't give way to your fears and despair. (submit, forget, look for) (2) Many subordinates opposed. So the director stormed off the meeting place. (changed, left in anger, left patiently) (3) The suspect scampered away when he found the chance. (hid, ran away, defended) (4) Pl. don't meddle with his private affairs. (criticise, interfere with, neglect) (5) He has a habit of doing any of his work on his own. (dependently, independently, sincerely) (6) It is natural to have cold feet while facing the interview. (to be conscious, to be nervous, to he hopeful) (7) Preparation boosts candidates confidence. (raises, slows, encourages) (8) In any circumstances, don't lose temper. (be impatient, be furious, be timid) (9) In a critical situation you should have the presence of mind. (behave nicely, have the ability to act quickly, act politely) (10) He ambled in behind his manager. (stopped, walked in slowly, stayed) (11) Each fragment deems itself a nation. (considers, opposes, supports) (12) At that time India's freedom was imminent. (about to occur, hopeful, in danger) (13) Narrow mindedness is a barrier in any nation's progress. (a vice, an obstacle, any enemy) (14) You have to confront some problems when you think to change the system. (solve, oppose, compromise) (15) He is a distinguished man here. (faithful, well known, unknown) (16) This has to be tackled ingeniously.  (sincerely, cleverely, carefully) (17) She was taken aback knowing about his honesty. (shocked, surprised, overjoyed) (18) I will get back to you after collecting the information. (contact again, meet, write)

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(19) My father is the only breadwinner in our family. (sick person, earning person, kind hearted) (20) My winning was just a fluke. (luck, chance, an entertainment) (21) Granny was not one to nag. (quarrel, annoy constantly, displease) (22) I was in the dark about latest development there. (unconscious, unaware, innocent) (23) My mouth went dry seeing the cruel brute. (was hungry, was thirsty, was frightened) (24) My friend is trying to be in tune with the present condition in U.S.A. (fighting with, keeping pace with, to solve) (25) Who will stand by  you in woes ? (admire, support, hate) (26) You may be offered a cash prize in lieu of a gift. (inspite of, instead of, in view of) (27) In between tennis matches, uncle Ken squeezed in a few lessons  for the children. (found time for, overtook, avoided going through) (28) It was difficult to restrain the young lady's anger. (control, oppose, accept) (29) Gandhiji never put up with untruth. (welcome, tolerate, encourage) (30) I am not accustomed to such insults. (aware of, used to, ignorant of) • Fill in the blanks using the appropriate form of words given in the brackets. (1) It was the most ______ experience. (Humiliation) (2) She has a ______ mind (calculate) (3) There must be ______ in one's nature. (good) (4) This man is ______. He will not help you. (noble) (5) You should ______ this items. (class) (6) I like my Gujarat which is ______ (vibrate) (7) Nothing is more ______ than your deeds. (example) (8) He is ______ . He can't do this. (confident) (9) He has a ______ nature. (possess) (10) He was ______ . He couldn't think clearly. (gloom) (11) In those days there was a ______ riot. (community) (12) There was ______ in his speech. (sharp) (13) The ants are generally ______  (miser) (14) He was playing a ______ game (defend) (15) ______ exam will be given tomorrow. (compete) (16) What ______ him so oftenly ? (fury) (17) There was a bomb ______ near the station. (Explode) (18) He ______ his head and entered the church. (low) (19) Wasps ______  Nehru in the jail. (terror) (20) He will ______ your statement. (false)

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(21) I noticed ______ in the administrator. (strict) (22) I am tired of this bird's ______ call (persist) (23) So many patriots gave ______ for the nation. (Martyr) (24) ______ is a virtue. (forgive) (25) There is no ______ of the guest's arrival. (certain) (26) ______ of this land is wonderful. (fertile) (27) ______ in living creatures is sure. (Mortal) (28) Will you tell me his ______ ? (offend) (29) ______ will be given to you. (prefer) (30) You will have to prove your______  (innocent) (31) Seeing your ______, I don't trust you. (neglect) (32) There should not be ______ in any letter. (correct) (33) He is tired of ______ (lonely) (34) ______ tribute was given to the dead. (flower) (35) I was sorry knowing his ______  (success) (36) He praised my ______ (obey) (37) He wanted ______ the piece into two. (half) (38) He was ______ to talk with that man. (repulsion) (39) There are some ______ points about any country. (admire) (40) He will get his licence______  (new) (41) He is ______. He will not support you. (co-operate) (42) We should ______ with others to win the grace of God. (sympathy) (43) This clay lacks ______ quality. (adhesion) (44) Kalam's Sir was ______ even if his wife denied to serve Kalam. (perturbed) (45) Kalam's one of the friends accepted ______  (priest) (46) Where do they ______ ? Find out. (various) (47) He was restless because of some ______ changes (environment) (48) He was ______ to accept the offer. (desire) (49) Pl. give him my sweet ______  (remember) (50) He wanted ______ me (friend) (51) He remained ______ on the beat (watch) (52) Pity the nation that ______ the bully as hero. (claim) (53) He is ______ Don't ask for any coin from him in the name of religion (religious) (54) He is ______ . He is unable to take quick decision. (decision)

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(55) ______ are punished sooner or later. (virtue) (56) The end of the story is ______  (pathos) (57) I have ______ it somewhere. I will find it out. (place) (58) Nehru welcomed the ______ in a prison. (divert) (59) Many ______ students get poor result. (attentive) (60) There was a mute ______ on the boy's face. (accept) • Turn the following dialogue into Indirect form of narration. (1) Do you play tennis I asked the Maharaja. "Yes, I played a little bit at School" said Uncle Ken. "Good ! the job is yours then. Get ready for it. By the way, were you at Cambridge ?" "No, at Oxford" replied Uncle Ken. (2) "Kavita, come here, who broke the black board ?" "I don't know, teacher." "I saw you in the classroom during the recess. You were playing with the duster. Am I right ?" "No Sir, it was Ruchita, my sister". "Oh ! Both of you twins confuse me a lot." (3) "Akshay, when was the mount Everest conquerred first" ? Sneha asked. "In 1951" "Tell me the name who climbed the peak.: "Sherpa Tensing" (4) "Hey, Pierre" Jacques laughed, "May be you've got the gout, hey ?" "Yes, Jacques, as one gets grows old, legs get tired". "Then teach your horse to place the milk bottles at the front door. He does everything else for you." (5) "Henry, I think the house is on fire", cried his wife. "You think ? You ought to know", he replied. "I can smell something burning. Can't you ?" "Yes"  he agreed presently, "I can" (6) "So, I began gravely" You have already reached the forty-seventh proposition of Euclid in your geometry ?" "Yes, father" he replied. "A difficult theorum" I added. "Do you think so ?" "Oh ! you want to boast and make me think you find it easy ?" (7) We'll sit up tonight" he told his son, "That is the only way we will ever learn what's happening." "Here ?" "Yes, here" "Observe the door, the window and the image at the same time from here." "Right, father, I suppose it's the only way for us".

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(8) "Ah ! come in ladies ! Take this seat. Do mind that flower bed ! I've just planted the sweet peas ! Mr. Franks said. "Do you know gardening too ?" "Yes, it's no empty boast. I've many certificates to prove it." (9) "Mr. Gessler in?" I said. "No, Sir" he said, "No, but we can attend to anything with pleasure." "Yes, yes" I said, "But Mr. Gessler" "Oh ! he answered "Dead" "Dead ! But I only received these books from him last wednesday week" (10) "You are limping Had a fall or something ?" Harry asked. "I am always lame since I am born" Stranger replied. "Oh - sorry ! sit down, won't you ?" "Thank you, Sir, I am on route to go back to France." (11) "What time is it" ? a boy asked. "In paradise time does not exist". The servant replied. "What shall I do now ? " "In paradise, my lord, one does not do anything". "Pl. show me other saints" the boy said. "You can't visit them as their dwellings are too far". • Rewrite as directed : (1) Dhruv bought a large house. He would have more space for his children. (use Adjective clause) (2) Very few administrators are as efficient as Mr. Jani (Use Superlative Degree) (3) Mind your business pl. ______  ? (Question-tag) (4) Whom will the Manager select, you know ? (voice) (5) You are too wise to take any decision in hurry (Remove too) (6) With your so much worry, you will invite many diseases. (Double comparison) (7) On knowing about my result, my father was extremely pleased. (Negative) (8) He shook hands with me thinking me his close friend. (use as if) (9) Think over it, ______ ? (question tag) (10) Oh ! I had opposed. (turn into assertive) (11) His poor result worries me. (Noun clause complement to be) (12) We should grow more trees for good rain. (Adverb clause of purpose) (13) I want to read a story with a good moral message. (use such - as) (14) Why do you compel me to do this work ?(use causal make)

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(15) Which of these boys has disobeyed you ? (voice) (16) You are so sincere that you may do any work devotedly. (use too) (17) Nobody wants to die, ______ ? (question tag) (18) Very few officers might have answered so wisely as Mr. Sharma. (19) He requested me to drive his car. (causal "Get") (20) The officer was dismissed because of his dishonesty. (use due to) (21) Sincere and hard working officers should be appreciated. (use such as) (22) Inspite of his late arrival, he was allowed. (use however) (23) Since the cost was high, I thought not to buy any mobile. (Make simple) (24) Who are not following your order ? (voice) (25) He had a habit of taking tea before going to bed. (use tobe used to) (26) On receiving the message, he left the meeting place quickly. (Turn into Negative) (27) He was in hesitation yet he contacted his boss. (use As) (28) You are smart. You cannot be cheated. (Make a simple sentence) (29) Only a fool may say such a thing. (Make negative) (30) Truth is always strong. (Make exclamatory) (31) A fisherman and afraid of fish ! (Make assertive) (32) He stood before his boss like a calf. (Adv. clause of Manner) (33) In order to make a good career, work hard from the beginning. (use with a view to) (34) No sooner did the accident occur than the police rushed to the spot. (Make affirmative) (35) Do you know the arrival (time) of Gandhidham Express ? (Adj. Cl. with ‘when’ + Noun Clause) (36) He may not attend the meeting, ______ ? (question tag) (37) It is very strange that an advocate is afraid of judge. (38) Because of heavy rainfall, match was cancelled. (use due to) (39) Nehru used to say that thought without action is abortion. (use according to) (40) Vishvesh stood first in the class. It is a good news. (Noun clause subject to be) (41) She can't weep. She can't smile in this condition. (use neither nor) (42) While having his car serviced, he felt dizzy. (Adv. Cl. of time) (43) On my request, he lifted my luggage. (causal 'get') (44) Oh ! I had such a car. (Make assertive) (45) Let this child not be teased. (voice) (46) I won't give up the hope, ______ ? (question tag) (47) Long Icons have high price. (Double comparison) (48) With the purpose of having more gain, he invested in stock exchange market. (turn into complex)
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(49) You are expert enough to operate any machine. (use too) (50) It is difficult to teach small children. (double comparison) (51) Think positively. You can create good impression. (Adv.cla of purpose) (52) He spoke fluently.  Everybody clapped cheerfully. (use So....that) (53) Both you and your friend perform nicely. (make negative) (54) He rejected the proposal. It was put up by the manager. (make simple) (55) I was told to wait for a while, so I sat patiently. (use perfect participle) (56) Jack and Jill's entertainment in their short income shocks aunt Jane. (Noun clause subject to very) (57) Your threat of dismissing this employee will not shake him. (Noun cl. in apposition) (58) I dislike a chapter without any moral lesson in it. (Adj. clause with such ... as) (59) He went Delhi so that he could see the party president. (make simple) (60) Your fear of his attack on you anytime, keeps you disturbed. (Noiun cl. in apposition) (61) It is easy to drive on the wide road. (Double comparison) (62) Stern interrogation made him disclose the fact. (use when) (63) The loss of 25 passengers is feared. (Make Noun clause)
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SECTION B Reading • Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it : * Teaching may be considered to be a way of helping people acquire knowledge of different things and there are innumerable subjects that are to be known. But the fundamental teaching that Swami Vivekanand believed in was that every soul is potentially perfect. Swamiji defined Education as the manifestation of perfection already in man. Every man is perfect but he is not aware of the perfection. What the teacher has to do is to make his pupil become aware of his inherent perfection. An ordinary teacher thinks of his pupils as boys whose minds are tabula rasa (blank slate) on which he has to write what he deems fit.  He feels that his pupils are lumps of clay for him to model farms according to his liking. Swamiji says that every child has got innate perfection and it is for the teacher to pave the way for the child to manifest the innate perfection in him. (25) How does Swamiji define Education ? (26) What does an ordinary teacher think to his pupils ? (27) What is the common notion of the teacher regarding his pupils ? (28) What, according to Swamiji, should teacher do for the child ? (29) Find out the similar words for the following words (1) countless (2) basic (II) In what does a man differ from beasts ? How he is superior to them ? In swiftness or ferocity the deer and the lion leave man behind. Sheep are more gentle, nightingales more melodious, tortoise longer-lived, bees more co-operative. The ants ran a state in a more organised way than the most organized state does. Man's distinction and his superiority lies in three things. The first of these things is reason Aristotle is primarily a reasoning animal. He has a mind which can reflect, discover causes, find reasons, probe the secrets of nature, plan the future and meditate upon the purpose of life. Secondly man has a sense of right and wrong and therefore he can be judged morally. The sense of beauty is man's third distinctive quality. (25) Name the three things in which man is superior to animals. (26) Why do we not judge other animals morally ? (27) Name the animals which are superior to man in some ways. (28) How, according to Aristotle, is a man reasoning animal ? (29) Find out the synonyms for : (1) quickness (2) animal. (III) From the time, he was a little boy, Lincoln had to help his father in the fields. Many a times, he was unable to go to school, yet he practised reading. Although he went to School for less than a year in all. He taught himself a great many things by reading all the books he could get hold of. There are some moving stories of the trouble he used to take to get books. Once he walked 20 miles just to borrow a book he wanted to read. Another time, he borrowed from a neighbour a biography of George Washington, but two nights later, the rain coming through the roof of his poor hut completely spoilt the book "Well, you can have the book
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for yourself if you make good its cost by working on my farm". The neighbour said. Although Lincoln had to do some hard jobs at the farm for a few days, he had the joy of having the book for himself. Questions : (25) Why was Lincoln unable to go to school ? (26) How did Lincoln teach himself ? (27) How many miles did Lincoln walk to borrow a book ? (28) Which book did Lincoln borrow from his neighbour ? (29) Could Lincoln return the book to his neighbour ? Why ? (IV) When one is afraid, there is always a tendency to imitate. People who are afraid, imitate others. They cling to tradition, to their parents, to their wives, to their relatives.  Imitation destroys initiative. When you draw or paint a tree, you don't initate the tree and you don't copy it exactly as it is, which would be mere photography to be free to paint a tree or a flower or a sunset. You have to feel what it conveys to you. For creative process, there must be a free mind, a mind that is not burdened with tradition, with imitation. Questions : (25) What do people do when they are afraid ? (26) What is important for us ? (27) How can we awaken the creative process ? (28) What does imitation destroy ? (29) Find out synonym words for (1) rain (2) stick. (V) And so Ashoka and his mighty victorious army returned home again. When Ashoka was back in his palace, he sent for his chiefs and his war-lords, for his counsellors and his men of state. Standing up before them he said, "I have seen the horrors of victory, I shall not draw the sword again, except to defend my country against invasion. My dreams are broken and dead but today I begin a new dream. Instead of battle. "I will give my people safety, for swords and spears. I shall give them ploughs, all implements of the field, for hunger and destruction and pain I will give plenty and ease and happiness. Instead of shouts and songs of the victory, I will give them the laughter of little children and the singing of happy mothers". Question : (25) Name three horrors of victory from the passage. (26) Name the officers whom Ashoka called to his palace. (27) What was Ashoka's new dream ? (28) What happened to Ashoka's dream ? (29) Give the synonym words for (1) rain (2) triumphant. (VI) From the moment, we are born we can't live alone, we stand in continued need of the assistance of all around us for body and soul and spirit. We need clothes, which other men make, houses which other men must build, food which other men must produce we have to get our livelihood by working for others. While others get their livelihood in return by working for us. As children, we need our parents to be our comforters, to take care of us in body and mind. As we
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grow up, we need the care of others, we can't exist even for a day without our fellowman, we require teachers to educate us, books and masters to teach us trade when we have learnt it and settled ourselves in life, we require laws made by other men to secure for us our rights and property. Questions : (25) What fact about our dependence on others in revealed in the passage ? (26) How do we get our livelihood ? (27) What assistance do we seek as children and as grown ups ? (28) Why do we require help from teachers and masters ? (29) Who make laws ? Why ? (VII) Thinking is something which does not come automatically to a person. Gossiping with a neighbour is not thought. If you repeat something which somebody else had said it is not throught. I do not expect all of you to become mighty thinkers, though some of you to think and develop thinking. By reading intelligently. You get other peoples thoughts and by weighing them you think yourself. It is very unfortunate that people think and read so little, especially in India. Newspaper reading is no reading. Any reading that makes you think is useful reading. Even if it is a good novel. Great novels always make one think because they are pictures of life painted by great minds. Questions : (25) What according to Nehru is thinking ? (26) What according to Nehru, is very unfortunate ? (27) Which reading is a useful reading ? (28) What does Nehru say about great novels ? (29) Find out the synonyms for (1) hope (2) powerful. (I) Read the following passage and write its summary and also give a suitable title. According to J. Krisna Murti, there is no Joy without discipline. Good manners are the root from where discipline springs up. We can say discipline demands good manners in a person "A man without discipline is just like an Animal" only a person who knows how to obey can learn how to command all the great men have imposed discipline on themselves before trying to command others. Discipline helps to direct us to constructive work.  The function of education is to bring about a release of that energy in search of reality. We should remember that free discipline is the best type of discipline because it is not imposed but born out understanding. Lets us hope the younger generation will understand this in the real sense of the world "Discipline is the life of a nation". - Jawaharlal Nehru (30) Write the summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title to the passage. (II) Read the following passage carefully and write its summary : However, some microbes are not friendly to us. They have learned to live upon animals and men. These are the parasites which cause diseases. A Parasite cannot live without its host.
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So there is regular struggle for existence between these microbes and the man they inhabit microbes are very powerful, yet the living body has its own defences to fight against them. The skin is our first line of defence.  The microbes has to get through the skin both into the flesh and blood befopre it can do any mischief. Again the body has its warning signals special cells in the blood called leucocytes are the home guards of the body, when the body is attacked by diseases bactyeria, these homoguards get ready to attack them. (30) Write the summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title to the passage. (III) Read the following passage, write its summary and also give a suitable title Water is the basis of all life. Every animal and every plant contains a large amount of free or combined water in its body, and no kind of physiological activity is possible in which the fluid does not play an essential part. Water is, of course, necessary for animal life, while moisture in the soil is equally necessary for the life and growth of plants and trees. The conservation and utilization of water is thus fundamental for human welfare. A part from well water, the ultimate source is all cases is rain or snowfall.  Much of Indian agriculture defends on seasonal rainfall and is, therefore, very sensitive to any failure or irregularity of the same. The problems of soil erosion and of in adequate or irregular rainfall are closely connected with each other. (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title to the passage. (IV) Read the following passage carefully and write its summary : The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day's work. The early riser does a good deal of work before other people get out of bed. The mind is fresh in the morning, so he can do his work well. The early riser finds time to take exercise in the fresh morning air. He gets plenty of time to do his work without hurrying.  He has time enough to take rest in the evening. He goes to bed early and gets sleep for several hairs. He gets sound, spirits for the labours of a new day. Any one who dies in bed late, has to work till late hour to complete his daily work. He find no time to take exercise or to take rest. He has to burn midnight oil and this tells upon his health. (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give it a suitable title. (V) Read the following passage and write its summary and also give a suitable title. Dr. Homi Bhabha realised that atomic power could be used for peaceful purposes. He felt the need of settling up an institute in India to do research on the subject. He noticed that there were many promising young scientists in India whose talents were wasted. They were scattered all over the country and unless they were brought together in one group, they would not be able to work us well as the scientists in the western countries did. That was why the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research was set up. He looked for talented young scientists and soon he had such a group of scientists working under him when the first reactor Apsara was ready, add the scientists and engineers who designed it and built it were suitably rewarded because it was an entirely Indian Project. (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title to the passage.
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(VI) Read the following passage and write its summary. Also give it a suitable title : The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day's work. The early riser does a good deal of work before other people get out of bed. The mind is fresh in the morning, so he can do his work well. The early riser finds time to take exercise in the fresh morning air. He gets plenty of time to do his work without hurrying.  He has time enough to take rest in the evening. He goes to bed early and gets sleep for several hairs. He gets sound, spirits for the labours of a new day. Any one who dies in bed late, has to work till late hour to complete his daily work. He find no time to take exercise or to take rest. He has to burn midnight oil and this tells upon his health. (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give it a suitable title. (VII) Read the following passage, writs its summary and also give a suitable title There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother for her son transcends all other affections of the heart. It is neither to be chilled by selfishness nor daunted by danger, nor weakened by worthlessness nor stifled by in gratitude. She will sacrifice every comfort to his convenience. She will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment. She will glory in his name and exit in his prosperity and if disgrate overtakes him he will be the dearer to her for misfortune and if disgrace settles upon, his name, she will still love and cherish him inspite of his disgrace. If the entire world beside cast him off, she will be the entire world to him. (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title to the passage. (VIII) Read the following passage and write its summary and also give a suitable title. The fact that happiness has title to do with enjoyments or even pleasure is not realized by a majority of people.  It is something for more reputable than self indulgence.  Happiness can only be found in the free and successful expression of one's own personality shall now examine that phrase and shall therefor respect I.T. Happiness the art of living, consists in the true and successful expression of one's own personality. What do I mean by that ? I mean something for more than selfishness or self seeking people who are selfish or self centred have not begun to learn the art of living, they have not mastred "the ABC of the art of all the miserable people in the world the are non so miserable as those who think only of themselves and whose every motive is a "self seeking motive". (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title of the passage. (IX) Read the following paragraph and write its summary and also give a suitable title. My belief that the expression of one's own personality must not be free only but also it must be successful, is based on conviction what do I mean by successful ? By successful, I do not mean successful in a worldly sense. I do not, for one moment, believe a cabinet minister is happier than a carpenter or millionaire happier than agricultural labourer. I mean that one's activity or the expression of one's own personality must be successful in the sense of a good job well done. Even selfishness is a bar and barrier to the art of living so also is laziness. If you shirk a thing or do it badly. You become conscious of a sense of dissatisfaction but if you do anything however unimportant it may be just as well as you can do it. You achieve a sense of satisfaction.
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(30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title of the passage. (X) Read the following passage, write its summary and also give a suitable title It is not what you that matters, but what you do think therefor of the vast opportunities that the world offers to those who are keen of mind strong of character and fleet of foot. Think of the opportunities provided by India. I know better than you of the difficult problems of India, the suffing and misery of numberless people. We are trying to meet this problems and solve them not by magic but by strong will and hard work. There is no magic in this world except the occassional magic of human. Personality and the human mind. It takes time and preservarance to do big things. It will not do to be faint-hearted one meets with failure occassionally, but one has yet to go on. (30) Write a summary of the above passage. (31) Give a suitable title of the passage.
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SECTION - C WRITING (1) Ankur C. Patel from Pragna Socy, Tithal Road, Valsad writes an application for the post of a sales manager to Atul Products Ltd., Atul-396020 Valsad stating his resume. (2) Vaibhav Patel, from 7, Rachana Socy. Satellite Road, Ahmedabad-15 wants to apply for the post of a medical representative to the Cadila Laboratorites, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad-52. Draft an application on his behalf. (3) National Dairy Development Board, Anand-380001 invites applications for the post of Public Relation Officers, Gaurang D. Vora, from "Shiv Ashish" Nr. Bhaikaka Hall, Vallabh Vidhyanagar applies to the Managing Director for the said post. (4) Bhagyesh R. Shah, 29, Mai Krupa, Nr. University Library, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad-9 applies to the Manager, Jeevan Bharti Enterprises, S.G. High Way, Ahmedabad-52 for the post of a Senior Accountant. (5) Swastik Higher Secondary School, Athava Lines, Surat needs a Principal. H.K. Pathan from National Park Socy., Tithal Road, Navsari applies for the post. (6) The Zee T.V. Gujarati S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad requies a journalist Himanshu R. Darji from Kothamba Ta : Lunawada Dist. Panchmahal applies for that vacancy giving his complete bio- data. (7) Tejas A. Shah from 72, Dev Darshan Apts., Bhura Vav, Godhra applies to the Principal Shree, Nav Sarjan Higher Secondary School, Madhwas Ta. Lunawada Dist. Panchmahal for the post of an English teacher. (8) Hardik Desai, 101, Ankur Apts., Shantivan Paldi, Ahmedabad-7 writes an application for the post of a librarian to the Secretary, M.J. Library, Nr. Town Hall, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad-6. (9) Neha J. Mehta from 7, Krinkal Apts., 5, Maha Laxmi Socy., Nr. Maha Laxmi Temple, Paldi, Ahmedabad-7 applies to the Principal, Sharda Mandir Hsc. Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad-12 for the post of a Chemistry Teacher. (10) Pooja and Pooja Enterprises, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-9 requires a Computer Programmer. Khusali D. Shah from 36, Jain Merchant Socy., Nr. Ankur School, Paldi, Ahmedabad-7 applies for the post giving her full bio-data. Apply to the Director of the said company. OR (11) Ankit Mehta, from A-919, Akash Apts., Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad-1 writes a letter to the Chairman, Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Services for plying more CNG buses in the city in order to reduce pollution. (12) Sailesh J. Patel from Panchvati, Ram Krishna Nagar, Limbdi 363421, writes to the Manager, Paavan Travels, Paldi, Ahmedabad-7 enquiring about fares and concessions available to students going on a picnic. (13) Write a letter to the Manager, L.I.C. of India, Desai Street, Vadodara-12 about the ill-treatment and poor services given by his branch on behalf of Nandita Dasgupta 7, Nehru Park Socy., Pani Gate, Vadodara.
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(14) Dinesh T. Prajapati, 51, Yashkunj Society, Sardar Road, Rajkot writes a letter to the Municipal Commissioner, complaining about the nuisance of stray cattle on the roads in his city. (15) Abhishek Shukla from 11, Radha Krishna Socy., Raj Mahal Road, Lunawada Dist. PMS Writes a letter to the Divisional Manager, Western Railways, Baroda complaining about the damaged parcel received by him. (16) Yash Bhandari, from 412, Ritu Raj Flats, 17, New Brahmakshtriya Socy., Maninagar, Ahmedabad-8 writes a letter to the Health Officer, Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad-8 to remove debris spread in his area. (17) Prerak A. Parikh from 8, Godavari Socy., Vasna Ahmedabad-9 writes a letter to the Principal of his school requesting to grant him a scholarship for his further studies. (18) Janki Prakash Modi, 10-A, Anita Socy., Station Road, Modasa writes a letter to the General Manager, Amul Dairy, Anand requesting him to allow her class to visit the dairy. (19) Sandip Joshi, 7-A, Sun Mitra Socy., Karelibag, Vadodara writes a letter to the post master of his area informing him about the change in his address. Reports (20) You have visited the "Sabarmati Ashram" in Ahmedabad. Write a brief report on the same. (21) Write a brief report about your visit to the "Home for the Aged" (22) The Red Cross Society of India, Nr. Gujarat Socy., Paldi, Ahmedabad-7 conducted a blood donation camp in your school. Prepare a report for your school magazine. (23) You have visited a Science Fair. Prepare a report for a local newspaper. (24) Prepare a report about the farewell function organized in your school for the HSC students. (25) Prepare a report about the "Teacher's Day" (Self-teaching day) celebrated in your school. (26) Prepare a report about a night camp in the Gir Forest. (27) Your school celebrated a sports festival last month. Prepare a report of the same for a local newspaper. (28) You have recently attended an environment awareness rally. Prepare a report for "The Times of India" daily Address it to the Editor. ESSAYS Write an Essay on ANY ONE of the following : (29) Satellites at our service. Points - Age of communication - world a global villaget, net services, educational purpose, wide horizons of knowledge, conclusion. (30) T.V. Its Educational Value : Points : Wonderful invention of science - educational programmes - direct - indirect influence - benefits of experts - mass media. (31) My favourite national leader : Points : Name - place of birth primary educational - political career - position held work done - principles of life - influence on people.
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(32) The Importance of English Language Points : Link language - a world language - necessary in trade and business law and Govt. services - possesses classic literature. (33) Advantages and Disadvantages of Loan System : Points : Can buy home - car - luxirious - easy to pay back by instalments - Disadvantages too - temptation - over burden - anxiety and worries - how to pay back - tension in life - leading to suicide. (34) Books - our never failing friends Points - Symbols of different culture - different forms, style and subjects - new ideas - creativity - best friends in leisure time and lonliness - real friends. (35) Preparation for an interview : Points : Post applied for - education and experience - knowledge of the field - physical appearance - confidence and positive thinking planning to succeed. (36) Each One - Tree One Points : Usefulness from birth to death - prevents pollution - plant more and more trees - save environment for future generation. (37) An Election Day Points : Test of democracy - propaganda by different parties done well in advance - scenes outside the booth - procedure of voting - people's guess. (38) Importance of Sports in Education : Points : Mental, moral and physical development - different sports and games - teaches team spirit and sportsmanship - provides good health and wealth. (39) Wonders of Science Points : Electricity, T.V. Computer - modern weapons - men's mortality - advantage as well as disadvantages - conclusion. (40) Health is Wealth : Points : to enjoy plesures of life - sound mind in a sound body - sports and education co- related - good health self efforts as well as blessings of the Lord. (41) Noise Pollution : Points : Different types of pollution - noise pollution a nuisance for the students and the aged - deafness approaches slowly - only government cannot help - develop civic sense and help yourself. (42) Importance of Newspaper : Points : Morning breakfast - keeps aware of different happenings - different information - develops thinking - different editions - helps to develop effective communication.
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SECTION - D TEXT (1) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it : The next perhaps is to try to imagine what questions you will be asked and try and prepare answers for them. For most of you it will be your first job. You will be asked questions about your education, hobbies and interests, your career objectives. You may be asked to explain why you applied for that job and what interests you about it. In addition, there may be questions about your subjects of specialization like accountancy or marketing. In some cases, there may even be general knowledge or current affairs questions, so be ready ! Think of the points you need to include in your answers to these questions. It may be a good idea to ever write out certain answers. (1) How should one prepare for the questions to be asked at the interview ? (2) What kind of questions do they primarily ask ? (3) What is considered to be a good idea ? (4) What will be first job of a person going to face an interview ? (5) Find out the phrase from the paragraph which means : "Moreover" (II) One morning the manager of the milk company came to inspect the early morning deliveries. Pointing out to Pierre Jacques said to him, "watch how he talks to that horse, whom he calls Joseph. See the look in the horse's eyes. I think, these two share a secret. Sometimes, they seem to chuckle at us, as they go off on their route in the morning. Pierre is a good man, but he is getting old. Don't you think, he should be retired and given a small pension ?" "Of course", said the manager, "He has been on this route now for thirty years and not even once has three been a complaint against him. Tell him, it is time, he should rest. His salary would go on just the same" Questions : (1) What did Jacques point out to the Manager ? (2) How did the Manager of the milk company appreciate Pierres' services ? (3) What proposal did Jacques put before the Manager ? (4) What did Jacques think about the combination of Pierre and Joseph ? (5) Give the synmym of "assess" (III) Hanumanthappa's postal address was provided in the interview. Without wasting much time, I took a post-card and write a letter to him. I wrote only two lines saying that I was interested in meeting him and asking whether he could come to Bangalore. Just then, my father, ever a practical man returned from his morning walk. He read the letter and said, "where will he have the money to come so far ? If you want him to come here, send him some money for the bus fare plus a little extra to buy himself a decent set of clothes." (1) What did the writer's father ask her ? (2) Where was Hanumanthappa's postal address given ?
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(3) What was the writer's opinion for her father ? (4) What did the writer's father advise her ? (5) What did she write in her letter ? (4) One day he invited me to his home for a meal. His wife was horrified at the idea of Muslim boy being invited to dine in her ritually pure kitchen. She refused to serve me in her kitchen. Sivasubramania Iyer was not perturbed nor did he get angry with his wife, but instead, served me with his own hand and sat down beside me to eat his meal. His wife watched us from behind the kitchen door. I wondered whether she had observed any difference in the way I ate rice, drank after or cleaned the floor after the meal. When I was leaving his house Sivasubramania Iyer invited me to join him for dinner again the next week end. Observing my hesitation, he told me not to get upset, saying "Once you decide to change the system, such problems have to be confronted" When I visited his house the next week, his wife took me inside her kitchen and served me food with her own hands. (1) How did Mr. Iyer's wife react when Abdul was invited first time for a meal? (2) How did she react the next week ? (3) How did Mr. Iyer react when his wife refused to serve Abdul in her kitchen? (4) How did Mr. Iyer encourage Abdul ? (5) "Iyer was not perturbed" Explain (V) Other than gardening, Mr. Franks had a great liking for one more thing that was festivals. "I think, this country has lovely festivals, he would say. He looked forward to Diwali and Dassehra as much as he did to Christmas, and would get as much joy and delight from lighting candles at Diwali as he would from decorating the small christmas tree with steamers and little stars. Before going home to Gorakhpur in December, I would take for Mr. Franks a small box of decorations for his christmas tree bought from some pocket money I had saved. "Thank you, my dear" he would say, "I will leave them on the tree till you come back !" I'd wish him a merry christmas and ask him to take care. "I will my child and come back soon !" (1) How would Mr. Franks get joy on Diwali ? (2) What would Mr. Franks prefer other than gardening ? (3) What would Mr. Franks do on Christmas ? (4) What would the writer bring for Mr. Franks before going to Gorakhpur ? (5) What did Mr. Franks tell the writer at the time of parting ? (VI) Sulochana didn't want to question him about his work for she knew that he was one of the best image makers in the whole valley. "Gobinda Maharana's images : it's hard to find better work than his !" She had heard the townsfolm often say. He was one of the few excellent craftsmen left. And she nursed her pride in secret. And yet some inner voice hammered at her : was it because he had asked for a better price a rather exhorbitant one than what was considered reasonable for an image of that size ? She was convinced that her husband was a righteous man, but wasn't it possible that his seeming greed (provided her surmise was correct) had angered the unknown.
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Questions : (1) What did the people of the town say about Gobinda's work ? (2) Why did Sulochana not want to question about her husband's craftsmanship ? (3) What did Sulochana's inner voice tell her ? (4) What was Sulochana convinced of ? (5) Find out the synonym for : "a lot of" (VII) Jacques, who was a kind man understood. There was something about Pierse and Joseph, which made a man smile tenderly. It was as though each drew some hidden strength from the other. When Pierre was sitting in his seat and when Joseph was hitched to the wagon, neither seemed old. But when they finished their work. Pierre would limp over the street, seeming very old indeed. The horse's head would also drop and he would walk very wearily to his stall. Then one morning, Jacques had dreadful news for Pierre. He said "Pierre Joseph did not wake this morning. He was very old. Pierre, you know he was twenty five and that is likely seventy five for man". "Yes" Pierre said slowly, "I am seventyfive. Now I shall never see him again. My poor Joseph !" Jacques patted Pierre on the shoulder : "We'll find another horse just as good as Joseph why in a month's time you'll teach him your route." Questions : (1) What made Jacques smile about Pierre and Joseph ? (2) When did Pierre and Joseph seem old ? (3) How did Jacques console Pierre ? (4) Which dreadful news did Jacques get ? (5) How old was Joseph when he died ? (VIII) EDUSAT is India's first exclusive Satellite for taking education to rural and remote areas with its array of sophisticated transponders in the country. It is configured to have different beams for the various reasons of the country. An expert in a subject can simultaneously teach hundreds of students in various schools and colleges across a wide area. The teacher will operate and colleges with reception facilities can see the teacher and listen to him. In institutes that have intellectual systems, students can put questions to the teacher and receives replies. Questions : (1) Whe does EDUSAT take the education to ? (2) What is EDUSAT configured to have ? (3) How can the teacher be seen by the students in schools and colleges ? (4) With what can the students put their questions to the teachers ? (5) Synonyms for (1) sole (2) different (VIII) Just as we reached the store-room, there came a roar of pain from the kitchen followed by the crash of pots. (Later we found that the hot bath water which was simmering on the fire
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had been knocked over). We flew as one into the store rooms where I had the second big shock of the night. The door could be bolted only from the outside. "Quick" I said urgently, "Get upon the ledge near the ventilation hurry up" Using a high stool we both scrambled up onto the ledge. It was not very wide but was high enough from the ground for some degree of security. We had often wondered why the mason had made that one solitary shelf. But we both blessed him for it now. Questions : (1) Where did they get the second shock ? (2) What was their hard luck with the door ? Where did they hide in that case ? (3) Which roar did they hear in the store-room ? (4) For what did they bless the mason ? (5) Synonym for : "single" • Answer the following questions in about three to four sentences each : (9) What are the views of Sudha Murthy on honesty ? (10) Describe the parting scene of Vandana with Mr. Franks. (11) Which three things does the author suggest in order to prepare well for an interview ? (12) What was Gobinda ? How did he learn the craft ? (13) What is Aunt Jane's parting gift ? How does Jill use that amount ? (14) What advice does Khalil Gibran give to the parents ? (15) Describe the family back ground of Dr. Abdul Kalam. (16) What does Sree say about her housing colony ? (17) What kind of revolution will EDUSAT bring in ? (18) What changes did Gobinda bring about in his idol making over the years ? (19) The boy however seemed to know his mind. Explain. (20) What is the 'presence of mind' ? How does it help at the time of interview ? (21) What were Gobinda's guesses about the tear on the Ganesha idol ? (22) How does the intimacy between Aditi and Mr. Franks develop ? (23) What does Nehru write about the courtship and love-making of parrots ? (24) How did Rusty help Uncle Ken ? (25) What did the doctor say about Pierre's eye-sight ? (26) Why did the Maharaja enjoy playing tennis with Uncle Ken ? (27) Mr. Franks said, "Plants too have feelings" How did he show his attachment with them ? (28) How did Lakhaman Sastri bring about a change in the behaviour of a new teacher? (29) How was Alan rewarded at home and school ?
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(30) Who interviewed Uncle Ken ? Why was he selected as a tutor ? (31) Why does Nehru say, "I was not alone in my cell" ? (32) Why does the way of living of the young couple shock Aunt Jane ? (33) Why do the sisters use the word "unsuspecting" for their parents ? (34) What did Jacques suggest on passing away of "Joseph" the horse ? • Write short-notes on the following in about 8 to 10 sentences each : (35) The brave sisters. (36) Mr. Franks, a lover of nature. (37) Nehru's principle, "Live and let live" (38) The title : "The Baby is finally ours" (39) Gobinda's sense of guilt. (40) Kalam's tribute to his teachers. (41) Physical gestures and nervousness - while facing an interview. (42) Granny's concern for Uncle Ken.
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SECTION - E POETRY & NDL (I) Read the following stanza and answer the questions : No prayers will help No love shall hold And no one can deny That The past deeds Do overtake a man No matter where And what time. Questions : (1) When will the prayers and love cease to be effective ? (2) "The Past Deeds do overtake man" Explain (3) What is mysterious about the effect cast by the past deeds ? (4) What does the poet indirectly warn us in this stanza ? (II) With all my heart do I admire, Athletes who sweat for fun or hire, who take the field in goudy pomp And maim each other as they romp My limp and bashful spirit feeds On other people's heroic deeds. Questions : (1) When do the players get injured ? (2) What does the poet's spirit feed on ? (3) Whom do the poet praise ? Why ? (4) Find out synonyms for (1) players (2) jump. (III) That bitter heart and savage said to me : --- some day when this is past; when all the arrows that we have are cast, we may ask one another why we hate ? And fall to find a story to relate : It may seem to us, then a mystery
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That we could hate each other --- Thus said he, and did not turn away, Waiting to hear what I might have to say ! But I fled quickly : Fearing if I stayed, I might have kissed him as I would a maid. Questions : (1) Which two adjectives have been used to show hatred towards the enemy ? (2) Why do the poet and his enemy hate each other ? (3) Why did the poet run away quickly from his enemy ? (4) Find out synonyms for (1) Secret (2) throw. (IV) That old familiar tree whose glory and renown Are spread o'er land and sea And would'st thou hue it down ? Woodman, forbear thy stroke ! cut not its earth-bound ties Oh, spare that aged oak Now towering to the skies. Questions : (1) What is said about the height of the oak tree ? (2) What is the woodman's intention ? (3) By whom is the woodman warned ? (4) How does the oak tree seem ? (V) Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below it : "Don't you see Mr. Brown" Cried the you with a frown "How wrong the whole thing is How preposterous each wing is, How flattened the head is how jammed down the neck is. In short the whole owl, what an ignorant wreck it is ! I make nno apology I've learned own-eology
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Questions : (1) What is Mr. Brown ? (2) Describe the own according to the critic. (3) What is own-eology ? (4) Why was the critic not ready to apologize ? (VI) I like noise The whoop of a boy, the thud of a hoof The rattle of rain on a galvanized roof The hubbub of traffic, the roar of a train The throb of machinery numbing the brain The switching of wires in an overhead tram The rush of the wind, a door on the slam. Questions : (1) Where does the rain rattle ? (2) What does the throb of the machine do to the brain ? (3) What kind of tram is referred to in this poem ? (4) Explain " The rush of the wind a door on the slam " • Answer the following questions in about three or four sentences each : (7) Who decides man's destiny ? How ? (8) Why does the poet call himself "a born spectator" ? (9) How is the poet emotionally attached to the old oak tree ? (10) What brought about a change in the poem "Hate" ? (11) What is the message of the poem "Noise" (12) What made the critic speechless ? (13) What does the author mean by the words "prudence wins" ? (14) "When all the arrows that we've are cast" Explain. (15) What does Geetanjali want to teach us ? (16) Which childhood memories came alive in the poet's mind when the woodman is about to cut the tree ? (17) How did the barber and other customers react to the critic's remark ? (18) What do you think would happen, if each state considers itself a nation ? (19) When does a river make noise ? (NDL) (20) Why are the words compared with the songs of birds ?
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(21) How did the NEMS win over the city ? (22) In what difficulty did Mr. Green's neighbour find himself ? How did Mr. Green respond at that time ? (23) What kind of utterances can be considered beautiful ? (24) What is the difference between conquering by power and conquering by kindness? (25) Describe the poet's craving for his "Sweet Home" (26) How did Lhatoo help the climbers ? (27) What kind of humiliation does the poet face ? Why ? (28) Why did everyone dislike Mr. Green's neighbour ? (29) Describe the centre. (30) What happened when Mr. Green sent a basket of plums to his surly neighbour? (31) "Beautiful thoughts that burn below" Explain (32) When did Bachendri Pal thrill ? (33) Describe George and Harry's efforts for packing. (34) What brought a great excitement to Derf ? Why ? (35) Describe the writer's efforts to find his tooth-brush. (36) Why does England not suit the poet ? (37) What does the poet mean by "beautiful sleep" ? (38) What would happen to Ang Dorjee if he climbed without oxygen ?

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