Monday 19 January 2015

Std:-9th Sub :-ENGLISH

WRT-I(Unit-9 )
Std:-9th / B                                                                                                                                         Date:-18-10-2014
Sub:- English                                                                                                                                     Total  Mark:- 25

Q:1 Read the extract and answer the questions.                                                                                                     (5)
                 Uncle ken enjoyed a hearty lunch. He knew that the Gomti team would be in the field for the whole afternoon. So, he slipped out of the pavillon, left the stadium and took a tonga to aunt emily’s house. He was just in time for a secord lunch with aunt emily’s family. At the stadium people thought that Hallam had left only to catch the train to Allahabad because he was to play another charity match there.
(1)   Uncle ken took a tonga to go to__________
(2)   People thought that ______ had left to go.
(3)   What did Uncle ken do when he returned to the Pavillion?
(4)   What did the people at the stadium think?
(5)   Where he took his second lunch?
Q: 2  Rewrite the following passage as directed: (any three)                                                                                     (9)
(1)   This boy is a policeman. That girl is a dancer. The little boy is a farmer.    (change into the plural)
(2)   Father called Mehul. He gave him a letter. Mehul sealed the letter. He then posted the letter.
                                                                                                                     (change into the passive voice)
(3)   Boys liked to play football.But Rohan enjoyed playing chess board. He showed it to his friends.                                                                                                                                                    (change into the present tense)
(4)   The hunter caught the lion in his net. His wife said; I thought you wanted to catch a tiger. “ His daughter was afraid of the lion.                                                                                   (change the gender)
 Q: 3 Write a paraghaph on your favourite. Festivel Diwali
Points : Festival of lights, decoration fire-work, sweets, lamps, New-clothes, relatives, Greeting cards, Festival of a week, Happy Diwali and New year.
Q:4 Turn the following conversation into the indirect speech: (any one)                                                                (5)
     Gaurav : Whose house is this?                                     Nitin  : What are your hobbies?
     Ankita  : It belongs to Mr. Verma.                        OR   Priya  : I like sports and painting.
     Gaurav :  I think he works in my father’s office.          Nitin  : I also enjoy painting.


WRT-I(Unit-9 )
Std:-9th / B                                                                                                                                         Date:-18-10-2014
Sub:- English                                                                                                                                     Total  Mark:- 25

Q:1 Read the extract and answer the questions.                                                                                                     (5)
                 Uncle ken enjoyed a hearty lunch. He knew that the Gomti team would be in the field for the whole afternoon. So, he slipped out of the pavillon, left the stadium and took a tonga to aunt emily’s house. He was just in time for a secord lunch with aunt emily’s family. At the stadium people thought that Hallam had left only to catch the train to Allahabad because he was to play another charity match there.
(6)   Uncle ken took a tonga to go to__________
(7)   People thought that ______ had left to go.
(8)   What did Uncle ken do when he returned to the Pavillion?
(9)   What did the people at the stadium think?
(10) Where he took his second lunch?
Q: 2  Rewrite the following passage as directed: (any three)                                                                                     (9)
(5)   This boy is a policeman. That girl is a dancer. The little boy is a farmer.    (change into the plural)
(6)   Father called Mehul. He gave him a letter. Mehul sealed the letter. He then posted the letter.
                                                                                                                     (change into the passive voice)
(7)   Boys liked to play football.But Rohan enjoyed playing chess board. He showed it to his friends.                                                                                                                                                    (change into the present tense)
(8)   The hunter caught the lion in his net. His wife said; I thought you wanted to catch a tiger. “ His daughter was afraid of the lion.                                                                                   (change the gender)
 Q: 3 Write a paraghaph on your favourite. Festivel Diwali
Points : Festival of lights, decoration fire-work, sweets, lamps, New-clothes, relatives, Greeting cards, Festival of a week, Happy Diwali and New year.
Q:4 Turn the following conversation into the indirect speech: (any one)                                                                (5)
     Gaurav : Whose house is this?                                     Nitin  : What are your hobbies?
     Ankita  : It belongs to Mr. Verma.                        OR   Priya  : I like sports and painting.
     Gaurav :  I think he works in my father’s office.          Nitin  : I also enjoy painting.

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